Call Redford & Co on 020 7224 2444
See how we can support your business
Redford & Co is an innovative accountancy practice based in London. We are a dedicated team of professional tax advisors, specialising in tax planning, business advice and investments.
Our practice was established by Peter Redford in 1968 with a predominance of clients from the film and advertising industries. We have continued to provide services to the media industry, but have broadened our client base considerably to include specialist expertise in the following areas:
- Advertising, Market Research and Design
- Film and Television
- Mutual Entities and Charities
- Pension Funds and Friendly Societies
- Legal Practitioners
- Medical Practitioners
- Surveyors, Architects and Estate Agents
- Property Development and Investment
- Recruitment
- Wholesaling, Import and Export
- Natural Healthcare
- Restaurants
- Owner managed businesses in a wide spectrum of sectors
We aim to get to know our clients and their business inside out. Only by getting totally involved can we offer the best advice and the most effective service. We have developed have developed mutually beneficial relationships with our long-standing clients who have grown with us over the years.
We advise individuals in all aspects of tax to include Personal Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax, Trusts and associated planning. We provide executorship services for estates and guide clients through that process.
Our practice has a great team of skilled employees who are either qualified or approaching qualification. The team excel in providing an exceptional service to clients.