Company car capital contribution calculator


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A company car is taxed according to its list price. This can be reduced if you make a capital contribution towards the purchase of the car. This calculator shows you how much tax could be saved.

Company cars

Where you are provided with a car by your employer, a company car benefit will arise. This is calculated by multiplying the list price of the car (when new) by the relevant percentage - which depends on the CO2 emissions figure.

The list price in this calculation can be reduced if you make a capital contribution to the cost of the car. The maximum deduction available for tax purposes is restricted to £5,000.



Our calculator works out the annual tax saving for the employee and the NI saving for the employer. You just need to know the capital contribution and the appropriate benefit in kind percentage. In order to work out the tax saving, you also need to know the rate that the employee or director pays tax at.

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