Latest News
New online service for voluntary contributions goes live
If you have gaps in your NI history, you can pay voluntary contributions to increase your entitlement to certain benefits, e.g. the state pension. You can now do this online. How do you access the new service?
Deadline for child benefit tax
Changes to the high income child benefit charge mean some couples will pay less tax. Others can also benefit but must take steps to do so. What’s required and when?
New guidance on commuting expenses for hybrid workers
You probably know that you can’t claim tax relief for the expenses associated with travelling to your usual place of work. However, what is the position if you're a “hybrid” worker? The guidance on this has recently been updated for clarity, so what's the answer?
Welsh government considering future of multiple dwellings relief
In last month’s Spring Budget, the UK government scrapped multiple dwellings relief. Now, the Welsh government is considering a similar move. What’s the full story?
Guidance for merged R&D scheme published
Companies claiming tax relief for research and development (R&D) will need to use the new merged scheme for accounting periods starting on 1 April 2024. Guidance on the new scheme has now been published. What are the key changes?
Have you underclaimed your expenses?
In 2022/23, HMRC sent a nudge letter to taxpayers that included a statement saying that upgrading a boiler wouldn’t be a deductible expense for tax purposes, i.e. as a deduction from rental income. It is now writing to individuals admitting that this was wrong. What action do you need to take?